Saturday, 7 September 2013

Week 2 Social Media

Girl: I saw you tweeting her!
Boy: I was just replying her out of politeness!!! 
Girl: Oh yeah?!? 
Boy: Yes!!
Girl: I saw you like her bikini pictures!
Boy: ....... 

We have all been using social media in our daily lives, so much so that it has integrated into our lives and has turned into a necessity so much so that we have forgotten how we had operated as living beings before that. 
I am guilty as charged. 

Although, I am pretty much people will call a lurker on Facebook ( I don't post anything, I just lurk around and stalk unsuspecting Facebook users *evil laugh*)  I do use other social media, such as the all important Instagram ( you post pictures of anything and everything), Twitter (those 140 characters are not to be looked down upon, I have managed to tell someone's life story from that 140 characters) Vine ( those short video clips are pretty entertaining, really.) Social media keeps me and everyone around very much entertained on a daily basis. 

“Social media is a bad idea – the rise of
social media has caused more and
more problems like Internet addiction,
social isolation, and invasion of privacy -
especially with the young generation!”

 Referring to a quote I remembered reading on COM125 PowerPoint slides (okay, I lied. I went back and copied and pasted this quote) strikes a cord with me. Sure, social media has granted people the ability to create communities of their own such as the blogging community - where there are businesses dedicated to managing bloggers, in Singapore we have and Nuffnang -, online activist groups, event companies, and more than we can think of. Three years back, Google indexed 620 million Facebook groups, imagine all the communication within that many groups! 
That to be said, I agree wholeheartedly with that quote. 

Social Media is a bad idea. 
I have lost count of the countless times that I had deactivated my Facebook, for fear of the loss of privacy. Facebook is close to being like a stalker and gossip haven! And there has been so many meaningless "friendships" on Facebook, or the obligation to just click "like" on someone else's photo on Instagram just because that person "liked" your photos too many times for you not to return the favor. Social media, utilized by the young has seem to lost its value of connecting, but rather a race of popularity.  

How meaningless can Social media get?

what really goes on behind those flawless pictures on Facebook

Nobody even really remembers the different versions of the web anymore, no one knows how "it" works on the most basic levels. Here is a very basic rundown of the difference  between Web 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. 
  • WEB 2.0 - The reading and participating web
    • Begun in year 1999 
    • LiveJournal (Launched in April, 1999) and Blogger (Launched in August, 1999) started the ball rolling
    • Non-technical user can actively contribute and glean information from the web using different blogging platforms.
    • Video-Streaming
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • Flickr
    • Instagram
    • Facebook

  • WEB 3.0 - The Semantic Executing Web
    • Web 3.0 uses the Inernet to make connections with the information
    • Web 3.0 interprets what you want
    • For example, you want to et somewhere nice for dinner with your special someone, and you have a budget of maybe $200. You want somewhere romantic yet not too overly romantic, somewhere where there is nice aphrodisiac oysters and steak for main courses. Using the current tchnology you might have to do a lot of research to be able to get a close enough location for that dinner. You might have to compare pages and pages of websites and reviews to decide on what is available to you. However, with Web 3.0, you will be able to sit back and let the Web 3.0 do the job for you. You might key in something really specific like " I want ot bring my date out to somewhere romantic that is not too romantic. I will like the place to have oysters and steak too." This is possible because Web3.0 is able to interpret every keyword that you have typed and able to understand the context of the search. Web 3.0 knows no boundaries and opens up the whole semantic web for you. 
How the semantic web works is seen in the video below

And a last video, to lay out the growing nature from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0

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